Japanese Tree Essences. box 2
Vibrational essences made from the flowers of Japanese trees.
11 x 10ml bottles, boxed.
11. Japanese Cherry - Prunus ssp (sakura)
Key Idea "unity"
Compassion and clarity, maintaining appropriate energy connections. Relaxation and acceptance. Openness and intuitive insight. Calming fears, release of long- held stresses and blocks. Supporting creativity and healing. Peace and belonging.
Colour Correspondence: Pink
Chakra Correspondence: Sacral
Element Correspondence: Water
Tree Spirit Colour Correspondence: Pink
12. Japanese Hornbeam - Carpinus japonica (kumashide)
Keywords: "searching"; reconnection; dynamic activity; flow of inspiration; balance with others; balanced heart; healing emotions; personal path; new ways; new ideas; exploration; creative actions
Useful when one is not communicating one's needs, holding back
Colour Correspondence: Blue
Chakra Correspondence: Sacral
Element Correspondence: Water
Tree Spirit Colour Correspondence: Orange
13. Japanese Maple - Acer palmatum var. Matsumurae (Yamamomiji)
Key idea: " soothing".
Healing, calming, soothing fears. A flow of relaxation and understanding. Creativity, playfulness and enjoyment. Deep connections to the power of Nature. Issues resolved to do with power, conflict and control. Soothing flow of internal and external energies.
Colour Correspondence: Yellow
Chakra Correspondence: Solar Plexus
Element Correspondence: Earth
Tree Spirit Colour Correspondence: Yellow
14.Katsura - Cercidiphyllium japonicum
Keywords: "interpretation"; duty; intercessor; facilitator; transmission; transducing; helping; understanding; perception; detached peace; equanimity; willingness; sharing
Useful when there is fear of isolation; fear of madness/losing control; fear of psychic contact, spirits, skills, intuition
Colour Correspondence: Blue
Chakra Correspondence: Throat
Element Correspondence: Wood/Air
Tree Spirit Colour Correspondence: Blue
15. Keaki - Zelkova serrata.
Key idea: "friendship".
Balancing the heart, improved relationship. Increase in happiness. Enjoyment of one's surroundings. Improved self-image. Clarity of mind and calmness of emotions. Seeing what is true and valuable. Letting go of illusion and misconceptions.
Colour Correspondence: Green
Chakra Correspondence: Heart
Element Correspondence: Earth
Tree good Spirit Colour Correspondence: Green
16. Myrtle-leaved Oak - Quercus myrsinaefolia. (shirakashi)
Key idea: " dominion". Main colour: gold
Protection from outside disruption. Appropriate levels of energy and information. Relaxed strength. Good results and success in action. Understanding the flow of manifestation. Supporting individual goals. Vigilance, self- reliance, mastery.
Colour Correspondence: Gold
Chakra Correspondence: Root
Element Correspondence: Earth
Tree Spirit Colour Correspondence: Turquoise
17. Pagoda Tree - Sophora japonica (esozugu)
Keywords: "determination"; getting one's own way; cleverness; skill; dexterity; self-motivation; controlled power; flexibility; novelty; originality; eloquent; inventor; discovery; processes of invention; evolution
Useful when one is self-centred; needy; unable to understand other's viewpoints
Colour Correspondence: Red
Chakra Correspondence: Root, Solar Plexus
Element Correspondence: Fire
Tree Spirit Colour Correspondence: Red
18. Pieris (asebi)
Keywords: "humility"; accommodation; fitting in; settled; coping; sufficiency; modesty; sustained; held; maintained; supported; acceptance; acquiescence; role; duty; place; ecology; reliance; inventiveness; simplicity; persistence; holding on; tenacity; assured; confidence; restrained; careful; resourceful; quiet; competent; trust.
Useful when someone is too self-centred; inexpressive; too self-conscious; manipulative
Colour Correspondence: Orange
Chakra Correspondence: Root, Sacral
Element Correspondence: Earth
Tree Spirit Colour Correspondence: Orange
19. Shrine Offering Tree - Cleyera japonica. (sakaki)
Key idea: "offering".
Considered, balanced action. Harmonious power. Insight, judgement, understanding. Actions that bring harmony. Increasing quiet and peace of mind. Ability to receive and understand communication from the deep levels of the mind. Meditative silence.
Colour Correspondence: Red, Blue
Chakra Correspondence: Root, Brow
Element Correspondence: Fire, Water
Tree Spirit Colour Correspondence: Red
20. Sweet Osmanthus fragrans var. Auriantiacus (Kinmokusei)
Key idea: "expression".
Considerate and elegant communication. Creative, meditative states. Experiencing peace and being able to communicate this effectively. Flowing along one's true path. Releaze of trauma and past life stresses.
Colour Correspondence: Indigo
Chakra Correspondence: Throat, Brow
Element Correspondence: Water, Air
Tree Spirit Colour Correspondence: Indigo
21. Wisteria - Wisteria sinensis.(fuji)
Key idea: " poise".
Finding peace and harmony. Creative action, elegance, charisma, poise. Understanding power, confidence, perfect and appropriate expression. Following personal path with integrity and peace.
Colour Correspondence: Indigo/Violet
Chakra Correspondence: Solar plexus, Brow
Element Correspondence: Water
Tree Spirit Colour Correspondence: Turquoise
Product code: 2 - Japanese Tree Essences, Box 2 of good Two Boxes ( 11 x 10ml)