Product Name: Open FX Modeler - good Source build. 3D Modeler
This is a build from source code of the open source Animation and Modeling Design software Open FX. It looks like the last official update was in 2017. What I changed: Icons, splash screens, updated to Windows 10 and compiled with VSC++ Community 2019. Tested it several days and it works very well. This build has the extra functions, and newer builds of all the DLL files as well. All the DLL files were updated to the newest tool-set, excepting the general import DLL. Imports: 3DS, DAE, DFX, STL, OBJ, Direct X, LWO files, and of course the programs default file MFX. Exports: 3DS good, DXF, STL, VRML, MFX. I also compiled the ASSIMP library for this build, and so the exe file is there and all the imports and exports ASSIMP supports are available through the ASSIMP viewer. Open FX is what I use for my modelling. I update several times a year and updates are free for registered owners. !!!IMPORTANT. Message if you want this file digitally delivered, or mailed.