Product Name: Crown good XTi 1000 Pro Amp *Read Description*
Bought this used from eBay 10 Years ago. It had the issue where the front panel board would cause lost of Input Signal and lost of DSP function. Bought a new front panel board and installed it. Functioned well until recently it stated to power cycle and stay off. Full disclosure: Tried to fix the issue by changing all axial Capacitors on the board, replaced the resistors near the front board known to be an issue for being of low power rating, and replaced the relays with new ones. One capacitor's board mounting was chipped off and I've wired the leg to another point on the board. The unit still didn't want to power on. I've made modifications to the fan usage since it was loud. I've used the original fan header cable to connect good to a 24V to 12V down stepper to use with 12V computer fans. No fan will be included but the original fan cable with plug will be. No power cable.