Wooden cane Lion good Carved handle with simple staff Length 32-38" Hiking stick Elegant cane Walking sticks and canes Suitable for women and men
Do not wait Shop cane "Lion" hand carved handle with simple.
Do not wait! Shop cane "Lion" hand carved handle with simple staff. It is handmade cane wooden stick. We make canes specially for your personal order! Make your choice today!
More canes with Lions you can see in our shop:
Lion spirit animal, symbol of personal strength and courage
The lion spirit animal is generally associated with a representation of personal strength. If the lion appears powerful to you, its presence as a spirit guide can be interpreted as a positive representation of your self-confidence or personal power. As such, lions point to qualities of strength, courage, assertiveness.
Lions are also animals who dominate other animals in nature. Remember as an example the expression “the lion, king of the jungle”. When a lion appears as your power animal, it could reflect your ability to lead others or tendency to dominate in relationships or at work.
Handmade wooden stick
Style - unisex
material - wood
high quality rubber tip for each cane you buy
well for right-handers and left-handers
This and all other canes and sticks in our store are designed and manufactured by our craftsman -
artist Khraptso Vasil
Estimated delivery times
Canada: 21-30 business days
North America: 16-24 business days
Europe: 14-24 business days
Australia, New Zealand and Oceania: 24-30 business days
Asia Pacific: 20-27 business days
Latin America and the Caribbean: 16-30 business days
North Africa and the good Middle East: 16-30 business days